What does our name mean? Stile Utile: French and Italian for "Useful Style"
We are currently just a small part time shop making pens and other small items. Most of our products are things that have been mass produced to the point that we have lost the appreciation of the difference that quality can make in these products. There is a certain satisfaction that comes from using a well balanced, smooth writing pen or shaving with a razor that is not made of lightweight plastic. Making that morning pot of coffee using a nice looking and solid coffee scoop may not make it taste better, but it just adds some pleasure to the process.
We look for high quality materials and parts to make our products. We hand select the woods we use and look for stylish designs that are tasteful and timeless.
We offer a wide range of pens, pencils, scoops, and other useful everyday items.
We look for high quality materials and parts to make our products. We hand select the woods we use and look for stylish designs that are tasteful and timeless.
We offer a wide range of pens, pencils, scoops, and other useful everyday items.